Alexey Nikolaev2015-10-06 20:45:32
Alexey Nikolaev, 2015-10-06 20:45:32

How to use mysql functions in ActiveRecord when searching for a record?

Good evening everyone.
I am looking for a user by his unique token. In a normal request, everything looks like this:

SELECT login FROM `users` WHERE MD5(CONCAT(`users`.`id`,  Yii::app()->params->salt )) = $token

It works, but when I try to use ActiveRecord and CDbCriteria I get an error. I do like this:
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition = 'hash=:hash';
$criteria->params = [
      ':hash' => "MD5(CONCAT(`users`.`id`, '" . Yii::app()->params->salt . "'))"
$arUser = (new User)->find($criteria);

But it doesn't work, because passing strings with functions to the parameters in this way, as expected, gives an error about an incorrect sql query. I found options using CDbExpression or findBySql, but this kills all the beauty of working through AR. How to be?
Thanks in advance for your advice.

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Pavlenko, 2015-10-06

Alas, it is necessary to use CDbExpression. Yes, compatibility between databases is being killed, but what can you do.

bashkarev, 2015-10-06

Try adding a scope to the model

public function scopes()
        return [
                'condition'=>"hash=MD5(CONCAT(`users`.`id`, '" . Yii::app()->params->salt . "'))"

and chooseUser::model()->hash()->find();

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