Imbecil2015-02-16 13:51:33
Imbecil, 2015-02-16 13:51:33

How to use math to solve problems?

Are there any resources that provide examples of the use of mat. device? So that it would be possible to understand in what cases this or that area of ​​mathematics is applicable, and to catch the principle itself, the algorithm for solving problems, and preferably on less abstract examples than it is presented in textbooks. It’s very difficult for me to imagine the scope of, say, a mat. analysis or game theory in everyday life. What is there - this applies to school algebra to no lesser extent.
For me personally, it makes no sense to go into theory in the absence of a general idea in my head. Here are the resources that will help me create it.

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2 answer(s)
SeptiM, 2015-02-16

You need to understand what area the task is from. Read a book or take a course on the subject. What mathematics is used there - this will be the answer.
Matan and funkan can be useful in signal/image processing. I have a book of images on my table, there is a continuous diphgem. Game theory has to do with mechanism design: this is the kind of thing a company like Google uses to sell ads. Convex Analysis, Theor. ver, statistics -- machine learning.

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