astrotrain2016-01-28 20:06:04
astrotrain, 2016-01-28 20:06:04

How to use a SimpleXMLElement as an associative array key?

In general, there is such an xml document:

        <DomainData IsValid="true">
                    <Value xsi:type="CyApiData">

And here is an example from the official documentation, but in the lowest loop it is slightly modified to write the data I need into an associative array (domain = tits).
foreach($sessionData->Domains->DomainData as $domain)
        // Доменное имя
        echo $domain->DomainName."<br/>";
        $str = $domain->DomainName;     
        foreach($domain->Values->Data as $data)
            echo $data->Parameter."<br/>";
            echo $data->Value."<br/>";

            foreach(get_object_vars($data->Value) as $paramKey => $paramValue)
                //echo "{$paramKey} = {$paramValue}"."<br/>";
                if( stristr($paramKey,"cy") )
                    //$out_array["domain"][] = $domain->DomainName;
                    //$out_array["domain"]["cy"][] = $paramValue;
                    $out_array[$str][] = $paramValue;

        echo "<br/>";

But for some reason I always get an error and an empty array in the output:
Warning: Illegal offset type in C:\xampp\htdocs\w\functions\domain.php on line 1

This element seems to be a string element, but apparently it is not so in reality, so the interpreter swears. What could be the matter and how to correctly write the data to the array? Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Burov, 2016-01-28


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