Grigory Griksovshchik2020-03-09 18:24:39
Grigory Griksovshchik, 2020-03-09 18:24:39

How to upload bot code to discord?

I explain: I just wrote the code for the bot in the discord in python. I send a message to the bot and it sends it back. But all this only works when I run the program on my computer. What needs to be done to make it work on its own? Upload to hosting?

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4 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2020-03-09

Yes. Upload to hosting. Or run it in the background and never turn off the computer (it won't help anyway and it will come up)

Wwwoper, 2020-03-09

You can also run it on a virtual machine from Amazon or Google.

Shohruh Shaimardonov, 2020-03-09

Available tutorial on this topic

Evgeny Divinets, 2020-03-09

You can upload it to PythonAnyWhere . The free version is enough for you.

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