ukoHka2018-07-04 08:27:54
ukoHka, 2018-07-04 08:27:54

How to upload an existing project to Bitbucket?

I have a local git project. Since it is local, there is no url to clone. In the instructions , I carry out the section

Import an existing, unversioned code project into Bitbucket Server
. The 4th paragraph says that you need to find clone URL in the panel on the left, but there is nothing like that. There is a Clone button on the top right, but there the link is very different from the example, for example, the port is not specified, the username is present before the project name and the .git file is named after the project, not repo.git. But I tried with it by adding a port, in the 5th paragraph the second command git push -u origin masteris not executed, waiting for something, any text entered is ignored and more text is expected.

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2018-07-04

When creating a clean repository in bitbucket, detailed instructions are displayed on how to connect an existing turnip.
Step 2: Connect your existing repository to Bitbucket

git remote add origin [email protected]:casufi/test-repo.git
git push -u origin master

Why invent some kind of ports? In order to push to the repository using the git protocol, you will need to set up authorization using ssh keys, this is in the documentation. If you are too lazy to configure authorization via ssh, use the link via https
git remote add origin https://[email protected]/casufi/test-repo.git
git push -u origin master

Well, for the current repository, you need to configure the email to match your email in bitbucket
$ git config user.name "John Doe"
$ git config user.email [email protected]

Vladimir, 2018-07-04

What is the problem with cloning a repository from bitbucket and throwing project files into it?

Alexander Zubarev, 2018-07-04

Here https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/change-... is described in detail, maybe I looked at the wrong protocol.
If you can't figure it out, try to deploy the project via git clone and run git remote -v and you will see the url you need.

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