HelpMePlease22019-04-14 05:39:57
Mobile devices
HelpMePlease2, 2019-04-14 05:39:57

How to unlock meiza?

Doesn't want to fall into a hard reset when I hold down VOL + and POWER on the maze, it reboots cyclically

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3 answer(s)
QuestYouCraft, 2019-04-14

Only flashing, although there are a lot of guides on this topic on YouTube.

Alexander Pakhomov, 2019-04-14

this is to w3bsit3-dns.com/forum/index.php?act=idx , what model is it?

Alexander Lichtenstein, 2019-04-25

And so for almost all phones that have a touch-sensitive "Home" button, the next combination is VOL + and Power (after "revitalizing" the phone, release Power and hold VOL + without releasing)
And also - VOL- and Power .. (the same actions as in ( ) just hold VOL-, but this method works for phones like with an android version below 7 ..)

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