swcalc2015-11-05 19:25:01
swcalc, 2015-11-05 19:25:01

How to typeset with high quality and quickly?

Guys, I know html and css, I can do cool stuff, but how to write fast?
That is, I can stare at the screen for hours and do some small crap, spend a day on nonsense when I need to quickly lay out a page layout.
As you speed up, become more diligent and don't spend hours thinking about things like margin-top: 1px; or margin-top: 2px;
How to be determined faster in choosing the position of elements and their necessity?

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4 answer(s)
Denis Bukreev, 2015-11-05

in firebug, first we experiment, then we already add the code to the file

Yaroslav Lyzlov, 2015-11-05


Niko Frost, 2015-11-05

Just sit and write. Pixel concepts will come by itself. Speed ​​will also improve as you gain experience and robots. You can take some kind of layout and start typing it, then another and another and another. You will gain a lot of experience, solving problems as you type, and to all this you will gain a portfolio.
Install Sublime Text editor and run Emmet on it. Read the instructions for this plugin.
Here are great tutorials on them:
Sublime Text -
Emmet Editor Review - Plugin Review

Yaroslav IKARUS, 2015-11-05

In general, it is not very good to use pixel layout, I recommend using relative values ​​such as EM and percentages for calculations. And also be sure to learn SASS or LESS, because typesetting on pure css in the 21st century is a collective farm

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