ololoshka12020-06-16 15:46:15
ololoshka1, 2020-06-16 15:46:15

How to typeset and immediately pull on WP?

Often at interviews they ask you to typeset, and then you pull on WP or typeset immediately on WP.
What to answer is the first.
Secondly, how to immediately make up on WP, are there ready-made Gulp assemblies or additional plugins for this?
And which is better and faster?

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3 answer(s)
Eugene, 2020-06-16

Better and faster to understand the topic. Don't answer about what you don't know.
Imagine that a person was operated on by a surgeon who was hired only because he was answered on a medical form, and not because he understands the topic

Dima, 2020-06-16
Dolgoter @SpiderPigAndCat

usually it means just layout without gallp and so on. just as is

Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-06-16

How to understand whether I am typesetting or pulling on the VP? You see, these are completely different things.
And in general, layout is not connected with stretching on the VP.
It all starts with the work of the designer. After that, the design is given to the layout designer. The layout designer, taking into account the technical specifications, typesets the template using html, css, js (here he can connect a bunch of different assemblers, preprocessors, etc. - gulp, haml, less, scss, etc.).
Next, the developer creates a WordPress theme based on the layout, i.e. writes PHP code knowing the VP code.

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