Oleg Petrov2018-11-10 12:05:11
Oleg Petrov, 2018-11-10 12:05:11

How to trigger install in pip From Python 2?

I have Python3.7 and Python 2.7.
I wrote the paths to Python 2.7 in system--advenced system --enviroments variables--system variables--path.
In cmd, the python command calls Python 2.7, but when installing pip install, all scripts and libraries still try put in Python 3.7/scripts
What to do?

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-11-10

use virtualenv if you don't want problems on linux

Radjah, 2018-11-10

Write pip2 instead of pip.
Something like this in Debian 9.

$ pip
pip     pip2    pip2.7  pip3    pip3.4

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