Daniil Muidinov2021-12-13 16:24:50
Daniil Muidinov, 2021-12-13 16:24:50

How to transport logs of a service deployed in k8s to remote hosts as files?

Good afternoon,

In the process of preparing the migration of services from legacy to k8s, a problem arose in collecting and managing logs.

Now each service is deployed on a separate VM, the logs are written to the FS, and sent to a remote host using a cron script

. For k8s, I look towards promtail/loki/grafana. But there is a problem, you also need to support the legacy solution for log aggregation.

Actually, the question is, how and with what help can you collect and send logs of services running in k8s to a remote host in the form of files?

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1 answer(s)
Vitaly Karasik, 2021-12-13

There is a file among the Fluentbit targets, and then you can send these files to the remote server as before.

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