asinco2021-01-01 17:52:57
asinco, 2021-01-01 17:52:57

How to transfer the code to the customer?

I was fulfilling an order and wondered: how to more concisely and conveniently transfer the code to the customer .

For example, I made a script that checks the presence of people in a telegram using a database. But the code, of course, runs from my development environment

. Also, I don't know if the customer has python installed on the PC. At first I made a file + console commands from .py to .exe , but this is not always convenient . Last

time I made run.bat and another batch file with automatic installation of the necessary libraries

. In general, the very essence of the question is: are there any unspoken rules on this topic? ?

Also answers like " this is already a customer problem"I don't fit) Thank you in advance

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2021-01-01

This is usually agreed with the customer before concluding the contract. A common practice is to archive the source code, a README.md file describing how to install and use the program, and a requirements.txt file to automatically install dependencies with pip.

Eugene TI, 2022-01-03

> How to correctly transfer the code to the customer?
The most correct - after 100% payment.

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