m00nkey2014-09-30 09:29:20
m00nkey, 2014-09-30 09:29:20

How to transfer files to sftp server via terminal?

Is it possible to transfer files to sftp through the terminal?
something like
sftp [email protected]:/path/to/insert /path/to/file

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10 answer(s)
Valentine, 2014-09-30

You can, there is a similar ftp program sftp . Like ftp , it can read commands from stdin.

sftp [email protected] <<EOF
cd dir
put filename

Vladimir, 2014-09-30


rebovetew, 2016-10-12

The university will tell you.
If you are self-taught, then you do not need mathematical disciplines in order to program.
It will only be necessary to read something for a specific task. Maybe.
And most likely it won't be needed.
It is better to receive a universal mathematical education at a university.

yceg, 2016-10-12

Mathematical logic - special attention: set theory, for general education (understanding of some processes): computability, first and higher order logics
Discrete mathematics - special attention: graph theory, combinatorics, for general education: automata
theory Game theory - everything is very specific here
The rest, as noted above, depends on specific tasks (the same damned integral calculus still has a use, but it is very narrow and 99.99% not really needed)

Konstantin, 2016-10-12

You already have a certain mathematical base (everyone has graduated from school). The first thing introduced in universities in the specialty programming is the basics of logic (conjunction, disjunction, predicates, graphs). Next is discrete mathematics: you need to know how the machine thinks. The next step will be the Theory of Algorithms: algorithm complexity, recursion, iteration, number systems, trees, stacks, etc. If you want to delve into mathematics, study mathematical analysis - a very good tool + gives clarity in all mathematical chaos. If you want to work with graphics, make a bias in geometry. The basis is formed from the first three disciplines.

hatiko, 2016-10-14

See why.
For what almost all programmers do, that is, websites and Android, higher mathematics is not needed, from the word "generally".
If you want to seriously get confused with 3D graphics, then read an introductory course on linear algebra, that's enough.
A typical example is what is the minimum level of knowledge in higher mathematics that a practicing software engineer needs.
There is only matrix multiplication. Mathematical substantiation of the reliability of the solution - lies outside the work of programmers.

VoidVolker, 2016-10-12

A standard school course in mathematics and physics, then a standard university course in mathematics and physics - this is already optional. In typical cases, a school course will suffice. But for example, programming 3D graphics already requires a deeper understanding of mathematics and physics - yes, an understanding of physics and the ability to solve physical problems is also necessary (for example, banal Tetris - there is physics, albeit simple, but there). Trigonometry, matrices, quaternions, graphs, probability theory - it's all there and used in 3D graphics. And in games, there are also AI theories, pathfinding, and in some cases, multidimensional spaces and non-Euclidean geometry. Well, the rest of the branches of mathematics - already on the situation. For example, in research instruments or MK, specific mathematics and physics are also often found, which must be calculated.

xmoonlight, 2016-10-12

Basic skills and algorithms that every programmer needs:
1. data representation (number systems, number representations, etc.),
2. arithmetic and binary operations and their dependency laws (formulas)
3. data search (algorithms)
4. sorting data (algorithms)
5. work with data structures ("trees", stacks/queues, multidimensional sets, etc.)
6. binary operations on data structures
(enough for the first time)

Artyom Tokarevsky, 2016-10-12

They correctly said that the basics of mathematics and common sense are enough. But if you really want to, start with combinatorics. Combinatorics for Beginners . Then you decide if you need to.

Mikhail Potanin, 2016-10-20

First of all, set theory and logic. Computability theory is also useful. In the field of microelectronic systems development, AI, program verification, recommender systems, programming language design, you need to have a deep knowledge of this, in other areas, a general acquaintance is enough, but you need to know at the initial level. Category theory and general algebra are also good, but these are complex topics, they should be looked at superficially, and then go deeper as far as possible and desire.
Most often, probability theory and statistics (well, combinatorics) are required. Especially in the now fashionable data analysis with machine learning.
Linear algebra is very important in machine learning.
In graphics, CAD and robotics, differential geometry will still be useful.
The order of study, it seems to me, should not be strict. It is better to study different disciplines in small pieces, sometimes returning to topics for deeper study.

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