Justin Bieber2016-10-28 12:42:59
Justin Bieber, 2016-10-28 12:42:59

How to track likes and reposts?

How to track that a person liked, reposted or left a comment in the social. networks to pay him for it?

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

4 answer(s)
Rou1997, 2016-10-28

All this is stored somewhere on the server, which means that it can be obtained using the social network API or bypassing it, well, and demand from a person to immediately indicate their page on the social network or log in through the social network.

@nixbox, 2016-10-28

In vk-api using longpool .
API will return the answer if the event you need has happened.
Instagram is more and more complicated, the api is closed (they won’t open it for your needs), and if you go around, then as I understand it, they use parsing protection, randomly generating class names, id....
C FB did not come across.

Kirill Zhilyaev, 2016-10-28

VK: periodically parse the page with the task via api.

Evgeny Shustov, 2017-08-18

To track what a user liked, commented on or followed on Instagram, there is a new Snoopreport service. snoopreport.com/ru It is still in the testing stage, but you can get an invite code on the site

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