Timur Sergeevich2015-10-12 09:00:48
Timur Sergeevich, 2015-10-12 09:00:48

How to think about the architecture of a java application?

How to learn to think over the application architecture correctly?
That is, which classes are needed by the application, which are superfluous.
Can you recommend a textbook?

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3 answer(s)
aol-nnov, 2015-10-12

> Can you recommend some textbook?
google://java design patterns

Alexey Cheremisin, 2015-10-12

Why bother thinking about it? We write a class, we write 10 more. Oh! Then we start the package! Oh, 10 more bags. Something went wrong... Refactoring - Martin Fowler chuckles viciously.
More refactoring, more and more.... Icon - Martin Fowler.
Customers are in a trance, developers too... And we are all refactoring and refactoring..
But the application still needs a structure.
1) Start with a problem statement
2) Then define the architecture of the application
3) Determine how this architecture will expand
4) Start writing
5) Well, if it doesn’t work out, refactor
6) Close the project - it’s useless ...
Oh, well, I forgot about tests. And they can be refactored too.
Agile Way to Hell.

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