Max2019-04-14 22:52:22
Max, 2019-04-14 22:52:22

How to test blocking by IP set in Nginx / Apache?

Good afternoon!
The server is periodically loaded by various scraper bots. I check what kind of bots through awk parsing the logs and sorting them in descending order by the number of requests, then I add these IP / subnets to the blacklist.conf list, which is included in each domain config on the server. There are several servers, I do manual synchronization of the blacklist.
A couple of hundred such IP / subnets have already accumulated. And new IP addresses are constantly added, many of them duplicate each other, for example:
How to set up testing so that fresh IP addresses before entering into the server config first check whether it is already blocked or not? Is there a utility or online service where you can upload your Blacklist by masks and IP list and see which rule blocks it? Googled for an hour...

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2 answer(s)
Artem @Jump, 2019-04-15

How to set up testing so that fresh IP addresses before entering into the server config first check whether it is already blocked or not?
Banal list search.
Is there a utility or online service where you can upload your Blacklist by masks and IP list and see which rule blocks it?
What is it like?

Pavel Mezhuev, 2019-04-15

Is there a utility or online service where you can upload your Blacklist by masks and IP list and see which rule blocks it?

As one of many options: https://metacpan.org/pod/NetAddr::IP

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

use NetAddr::IP;

my @list = ('', '', '', '', '');
my @result;
foreach my $ip (@list) {
    push(@result, NetAddr::IP->new($ip));
@result = NetAddr::IP::compact(@result);
foreach my $ip (@result) {
    say $ip->cidr;

Результат выполнения:

PS Dmitry Shitskov speaks the matter, fight the problem in the wrong place.

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