Omen2020-01-27 06:03:02
Omen, 2020-01-27 06:03:02

How to teach a Telegram bot to issue an answer for a keyword?

Good day)
Faced a problem and I just can not find a solution!

I decided to create a TelegramBot in Python with the following task:
The user (and there will be not many of them, about 10 people) writes a request to the bot (name or phone number) The
bot, in turn, returns a message in response (about 500 characters) information about the employee (name , Phone number, year of birth, department, and other information ...) also, ideally, a photo of an employee, I haven’t gotten to that yet. By the way, there are 800+ employees.

Please help with advice on how to implement this ... tell me in which direction to move ...

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1 answer(s)
mt_max, 2020-01-27

Take a relational database, such as mysql or postgresql, install. Create a table that will store employee records. (Full name, phone number, year of birth, department, and other information...) these will be the columns of the table.
Then you take a library for working with a telegram, telebot, for example, understand the documentation, set up a webhook. When a user writes a message with a full name or phone number, execute the sql query "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE fio=entered_name;" return the query result in a message. To organize the storage of employee photos and their sending, you need to create a column in the table that will store the paths to the photos, and the photos themselves will be in a folder on the server, you will receive the path from the database with a request and send the photo.

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