SiniuKrit2015-11-02 16:25:33
SiniuKrit, 2015-11-02 16:25:33

How to style Yandex mail signature?

I want to make a signature in Yandex mail, but the editor is very simplified there, there is not even a table, but I really need it. Are there ways to make the signature understand html or are there services for styling?

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4 answer(s)
kasp, 2016-01-25

I got it like this:

  • Make a signature as it should in notepad and save it in html
  • Open in a browser and copy to the signature editor in Yandex
  • After that, all the pictures fly off, but the table and design remain, so we re-insert the pictures and links
  • When composing a letter, to the right of the text field, click the "Edit letter" button

denis-fedotoff, 2017-02-06

Life hack that worked.
You need to open the signature for editing, then open firebug. Find the section of code that represents the signature (it will be in the iframe), open (in firebug) html editing, paste the desired code in the right place. Save signature.

Edward, 2017-03-03

I made it up in a spreadsheet in a text editor. I opened it in the browser, copied it with the mouse and pasted Yandex into the signature. It became as it should!

Alexander Kshnyakin, 2015-11-02

We did not find it at one time, insert what you need with a picture. Write links separately so that you can click on them.

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