Homer4ik2013-11-23 01:31:58
Homer4ik, 2013-11-23 01:31:58

How to study the standard libraries of languages ​​and frameworks more efficiently?

Tell me, please, how to study the standard libraries of languages ​​and frameworks more efficiently (especially interested in C / C ++ / Qt / .NET / jQuery)? For, often, when writing code, I use my bicycles for functions that have been implemented for a long time, but I don’t know about them

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5 answer(s)
Yuri Yarosh, 2013-11-23

In the case of C/C++ there is a big problem - and these are the standards, read Schildt 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .
It's better to start learning Qt from books by Max Schlee , you don't need to be a C++ guru to get Qt skills. There is also Blanchette , but I didn’t like her, and she has already grown old.
Be sure to check out a vinaigrette like Boost - there are a bunch of hacks out there to solve a lot of the problems of the language itself. For you, all sorts of SFINAE and constant casts should not be a problem. There is also a book "Sacred Knowledge" can also be read.
Don't throw yourself at Alexandrescu and Stroustrup... Stroustrup writes books badly, but Alexandrescu is a PRO-level.
I don't write under the windows. But at least you need to understand WPF / WCF.
I can’t say anything specific about jQuery, except that you can go through this. You can also learn a lot of web usefulness there.
It would also be nice to read something at your leisure on patterns: 1 , 2
To test your skills, you can look at the etudes: 1 , 2 , 3

Sergey Melnikov, 2013-11-23

Smoke manuals), disassemble someone else's code - learn from experience

Nadz Goldman, 2013-11-23

Both respondents said strange, but oh well.
More efficient - means a larger and more qualitative result at the output relative to the input.
Therefore, I will answer just as strange: study.

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2013-11-24

It all depends on the tasks - if I'm processing audio, I'm unlikely to need DirectX and its shaders, and if I'm processing data from tables, I obviously need linq and tsql.
So it's hard for you to say something more specific.

afiskon, 2013-11-24

Start a blog . Learn something new, write a post about it. You will be surprised how effective this method can be.

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