Pavel2016-05-24 10:13:26
Pavel, 2016-05-24 10:13:26

How to stream video on Nodejs (ip-camera on rtsp)?

There are several cameras with rtsp. They need to be broadcast to modern devices, including smartphones.
Can't preinstall software (vlc, quicktime), Should work out of the box in a browser. Flash doesn't work.
How do I set up nodeJs to accept rtsp://and output to <video></video>?
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Kumanin, 2016-05-24

Google => node-rtsp-stream

chupasaurus, 2016-05-24

Никак. NodeJS до ffmpeg ещё далеко, а без транскодирования здесь никак.

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