Maxim Voronkov2016-03-31 23:48:42
Maxim Voronkov, 2016-03-31 23:48:42

How to store some php files on a separate server?

Good evening everyone!
We are developing a site on codeinniter, there is a task to store some php files on separate servers.
How can this be implemented?

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1 answer(s)
index0h, 2016-04-01

On separate servers in the php context, separate web services are stored, not php files.
If you need exactly the files:
- for downloading and uploading, like regular files: throw a link to them, rights 0644 and, just in case, forbid the server to execute php.
- to include via require/include: VERY CRAZY IDEA. By connecting the network file system, you will shoot your own eggs, and with explosive cartridges.
- for inclusion via file_get_contents+eval: no better than the previous one, any middle sees this first thing and cuts it out like a security hole.
offtopic: switch to a normal framework, the world has not included files by hand for a long time, but uses composer))

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