Filipp422021-07-01 20:42:44
Database design
Filipp42, 2021-07-01 20:42:44

How to store notes from the file cabinet: in one file, or for each one?

Hello, I am developing a program for maintaining a file cabinet with a link system. An important question immediately appeared: how to store notes so that it is convenient to work with links and card tags? You can combine them into one file, or you can create a whole bunch. What will be the most convenient? I do not want to connect external databases, Lisp's property lists are used as the format. For example:

(:numb 1
 :name "Картотека зеттелькастен"
 :tags ("организациязнаний" "картотека")
 :body "Зеттелькастен - созданная Никласом Луманом система организации знаний в картотеке"
 :lincs ("Про связи в карточках" 2
           "Системы организации знаний" 3
           "Идеи Лумана" 42)
 :meta (:time 10000000))

If you have any questions, ask, I will explain everything that is necessary.

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2 answer(s)
FanatPHP, 2021-07-01

in a relational database.

Ilya, 2021-07-02

Topikstarter is invited to find a solution himself through the spiritual practice of walking on a rake.

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