antirek2016-12-22 08:10:28
Digital certificates
antirek, 2016-12-22 08:10:28

How to store and manage ssl certificates?

Any solutions for managing ssl keys? Store securely private keys, passwords, update keys from this repo by date, on different servers?
When you have several dozen domains and subdomains, somehow you need to manage all this stuff in time, you need an automation utility)) Who manages it?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Aksentiev, 2016-12-22

Let's Encrypt is quite convenient, after a one-time setup, you don't need to touch it anymore. Just add to cron.
Recently, all the certificates have ended.
CloudFlare is basically worth it, but it comes with some inconvenience.
In the end, I decided to check out Let's Enrypt, I really regretted not using it before :)

CityCat4, 2016-12-23

I don't trust any kind of automation. Certificates are too important a thing to give it to someone, especially some free servers with some scripts. Our mail is encrypted with certificates, so updating certificates for a hundred users is a chore. A calendar with an expiration date, a set of scripts for generating certificates, a list of passwords and a flash drive with which I go to work. CA is raised on Windows, it causes certain inconveniences, all I want to do is to transfer user certificates to a subordinate CA on Linux, where the issuance of a certificate is done by one script.

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