Andrey Galko2015-03-19 09:12:13
Andrey Galko, 2015-03-19 09:12:13

How to store a large number of messages on the server?

Recently I wondered how the same VK stores a huge number of messages and likes? What means are there for this? I know Redis. Is there anything else?
PS Support does not want to give out secrets for a chocolate bar :(

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-03-19

On the Internet in public access there is a report about how VK works
, there is just a description of the infrastructure of VK,
what did they not please you with?
radish Of course, are you joking so subtly?

Yuri Shikanov, 2015-03-19

Radishes are not up to the task at all. It is more suitable for storing "hot data", because. he stores the entire data set in the RAM (with the ability to save the snapshot on disk). For a large amount of rarely used data, something like PostgreSQL or many other persistent data stores will do.

Alex Pts, 2015-03-19

Any database that has a good write speed. Here, the whole process rather depends on the architecture than on a specific storage.

Optimus, 2015-03-19
Pyan @marrk2

Google how Disqus works - 18 thousand requests per second, postgree and other things.

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