Denis Karakchiev2018-12-23 15:53:19
IT education
Denis Karakchiev, 2018-12-23 15:53:19

How to stop procrastinating and start learning?

0. How to get rid of the fear of missing something? (because of which there is uncontrolled reading of the same thing, but in hundreds of variations)
1. How to learn a language (PHP), a framework (Laravel) and get fundamental knowledge of computer science as soon as possible and with a guaranteed result?
2. How to solve the problem of the ever-accumulating list of material for study?
3. How to get rid of the fear that I am learning all this in vain and then I will have to relearn?
4. How not to do too much and not waste time in vain?
5. All this has been with me for more than a year, it doesn’t allow me to really work and I don’t know what to do anymore.
6. And I also want to constantly structure everything, collect it and then not lose it. And do it perfectly.
I want to learn a lot. I want everything at once. The head understands that you need to move in a certain way, but from somewhere, hundreds of bookmarks always appear in the browser of the form "read at your leisure" and the list of goals and tasks in learning grows completely uncontrollably, the vector in how you need to learn something changes and how to get the right skill. From all this, an indigestible mess in my head, a loss of desire to do something at all, and a lowered head.
Moreover, I know what I want to learn, but because of the fear of not having time, I start looking for how to do it as soon as possible, in the end I don’t do it at all.
In addition, the fear of missing out on a bit of information, because of which I open 10 links from one search query in Google, all 10 links are about the same thing, but the brain considers it important to read everything. A strange thing, because I understand that most likely this is superfluous, but I can’t stop doing this and be afraid to miss out on some immeasurably important information. This is terribly annoying, because. does not allow to do and read really important things.
The matter is not solved by a simple “stop doing this” (then everything accumulates again), and I understand that this is not a forum for psychologists, I just don’t know who to turn to in desperation. If there is someone with a similar (but solved) problem, or someone else with an understanding of how to fix it in their head, please respond.
PS Please, if someone decides to respond to this my confusion and whining and help - write something that you are sure of working capacity, because I have been working with this problem for 4 years already. But I'm clearly doing something wrong.

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10 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2018-12-23

From all your long question, it seems that you are not actually studying, but reading.
Get some practice. Solve real problems that arise before you when writing a product. It doesn't matter if it's small or big - when you have a finished product, there will be a lot of really solved problems behind you. And reading books at your leisure, you will simply make sure that you have chosen the right solution, or you will see another solution, but at the same time you will be able to decide with your own arguments which is more successful in a particular case.
Study is not time, it is effort - put 80% of your effort into practice.

stratosmi, 2018-12-23

0. How to get rid of the fear of missing something? (due to which there is an uncontrolled reading of the same thing, but in hundreds of variations)

Just kill it.
For many millennia, mankind has had so much knowledge that it is unable to stay in one head.
In IT, the situation is even worse in this sense.
Just forget it - or better yet, find a normal mentor / teacher and complete the tasks according to the training plan drawn up for you.
But it's not easy to find one.
So just kill it.
The language is generally easy to learn and not stressful.
Get it and practice . That is programming. At first you know little, then more and more. You won’t have time to look back, as in a week you already know the whole language.
Little by little. But regularly.
This generally applies to any training, even frameworks, even boxing, even English, even cooking food.
Humanity has not come up with anything else for learning - practice.
Hit him.
Learning is not a specific technology. This is just easy and simple.
It is difficult to learn paradigms, algorithms, principles - and they are invariants. In another language and in another framework, they will come in handy for the most part.
That's what mentors and teachers are for.
The person learns on his own. No other has been thought of.
But teachers-mentors help guide you, save you time.
You are result oriented.
And learning is a process.
IT is an area with a high entry threshold, so the process itself should be pleasant, because you will have to self-learn for years. Or even decades.
If you are focused on a quick result, then it’s easier to go to taxi drivers.
The ideal is not achievable.
You can work out some kind of scheme that is best for you personally. But only with practice.

Sly04, 2018-12-23

As far as I can judge from the list of your questions, they all agree on one thing: "it is necessary to learn, but it does not study." I will answer directly - practice. There are people who read the documentation and that's it, they already understand it like in their 5 fingers - I personally don't know how. But when I had a similar problem to yours - I just started to practice. Do you want to learn php? Make a calculator! Seriously, you may not know the syntax, functions - just make a calculator. You will immediately go to the search, as a result, you will learn more or less basic things. When you make a calculator - do, I don't know, receive and process various requests. It is this running around in the style: "How to do it ..." that leads to the result. You will receive random practical knowledge and skills. And that's just at this stage - Welcome to read the book. When you already know how and what works and functions - this is where educational literature will help. It's easy to learn when you know how you're doing it, and the book says you really have to do it this way. Immediately comes what's what and the brain remembers it. But when you don’t do anything, but read how to do it right, the brain won’t remember anything, if only because it doesn’t know why it’s right this way and whether it will come in handy at all, or maybe it’s right in some other way? Let's go to youtube and watch videos. Here is the missing result. that he doesn’t know why it’s right this way and whether it’s useful at all, or maybe it’s right in some other way? Let's go to youtube and watch videos. Here is the missing result. that he doesn’t know why it’s right this way and whether it’s useful at all, or maybe it’s right in some other way? Let's go to youtube and watch videos. Here is the missing result.

Vladislav, 2018-12-24

I had exactly the same problem right up to the moment I got a job. Now there is not much time to learn everything, but you have to read only what is really necessary to solve the task

Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-12-24

1. It's time to start Teaching and Learning. Base - that's what you seem to be missing. The base is books. Good, big and heavy. Paper.
2. Structuring knowledge - which means you need to start writing. Try to start writing a series of tutorials - on your blog/website. It helps tremendously. And you’ll dopresh yourself, and if you screwed up somewhere, your older brother will tell you and correct you (I think that you always need to communicate with those who are higher than you in terms of knowledge - how to find them? Common cause, work)
3. Organize your time yourself. If not you, then who?
Get out of chats. They are time killers. Public and social networks - too. 20 digests on topics - bust. 1-2 digests are enough.
Until you learn to balance - everything will be so. If this continues for more than a year or two, change your profession. And you will keep your nerves and health in general.
And managing your time is like a school teaches: you wake up according to the regimen, breakfast, school classes (diverse), lunch, classes again. Then home, leisure / hobbies / circles / walk with friends, lessons, dinner, relax and sleep.

Dmitry Esin, 2018-12-25

These sensations are familiar, it was unfortunate to face this problem during the process of self-education, as if looking into a mirror. Therefore, I will add from my experience.
First, about the "symptoms". It looks like a neurotic disorder (only a doctor can make a diagnosis). It's serious, but you can live with it. I advise you not to delay, not to be afraid and contact a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, treatment lends itself very well. In Moscow there is a state clinic for neuroses, I don’t know how it is in other places.
Secondly, about the actions that will need to be taken to get rid of this garbage. It seems to me that it is worth abruptly breaking the habit of storing rubbish, categorizing lists, keeping all sorts of useless notes and structuring information in any other way, using only the necessary and most simple tools. Practice, and only practice, put away your cheat sheets and notes. Your life is not a fucking table. It is in the unhealthy habit that has clung to the essence and it will be necessary to work with it.
Third, with regard to "teach". As someone wrote above, you only need to learn paradigms, algorithms and patterns on the topic you want to delve into. And only when there is strength, desire and free time. You don’t need to read millions of articles, you need to read them when you google some information on a specific topic and you need a specific guide. You don’t need to procrastinate in your head, only read big books and take only serious courses on serious things, everything is grown-up.
After you remove unnecessary actions and obsessions to get poisoned by information, you will see how much sense there is in real practice.

Anton Novoselov, 2018-12-27

I recommend a book that answers these questions and helps you get started.
The best I read in 2018.

Nicholas, 2018-12-29

You have no goal, and what you call goals is not a goal at all.
Stop. Have a rest. And think carefully.
Here is what Brian Tracy advises (I recommend, because I use his methods myself):
If there is no goal, simple Wishlist does not work. If there is a goal, but it does not work out, then there is no discipline. Decide what is important to you and force yourself to complete the items from the list for at least a month. Discipline is also a habit. But without a goal, it won't work. The goal must be measurable and achievable. Studying for the sake of just learning doesn't work. Knowledge is needed to solve applied problems. When solving applied problems , the result will be visible . The results obtained will work like jet thrust on the way to a new goal. The main thing is not to lose sight of it.
This is what helped me:
Recipe one. Goal -> Discipline -> Result .
PS And don't wait for it quickly. Get ready for the long haul.

Maxim Timofeev, 2018-12-23

How to get rid of the fear of missing out?

This is a psychiatrist, this is a phobia and it needs to be treated
Contact a good teacher, he will draw up an individual training plan
Don't refill it
Take it for granted, it does not depend on you, but I would go to a psychotherapist, this is the same problem and it is being treated.
It doesn't happen. Read about the Pareto rule.
Go to a specialist (psychiatrist), I'm not kidding, it will only get worse, don't start it.
This is PEDANTISM. Do not joke with your health, I am sure that once you step over the fear of going to the shrink and everything will be decided. You can't live like that. Don't be dumb.

nouland, 2019-01-02

I have a purely abstract question, not for the sake of trolling: why did you choose PHP, and then Laravel, to study? Perhaps you made a mistake in choosing the first or then the second, missing something in the analysis? If not missed, then "grain" this method for further study.

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