Dmitry Grabko2017-04-18 10:24:34
Dmitry Grabko, 2017-04-18 10:24:34

How to split news preview by condition in Bitrix?

The page displays active and past promotions.
Question: how to separate the news for which the "end of promotion" field is set to a new line with a separate title. The question is in specifying the condition in the template ?
Template code:

<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();
/** @var array $arParams */
/** @var array $arResult */
/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
/** @global CUser $USER */
/** @global CDatabase $DB */
/** @var CBitrixComponentTemplate $this */
/** @var string $templateName */
/** @var string $templateFile */
/** @var string $templateFolder */
/** @var string $componentPath */
/** @var CBitrixComponent $component */
<div class="news-page">	
<?foreach($arResult["ITEMS"] as $arItem):?>
  // echo($arItem['PROPERTIES']['SALE_END']['VALUE']);
  // echo "<br>";
  // echo date('d.m.Y h:i:s');
  $sale_class = '';
  $sale_end = $arItem['PROPERTIES']['SALE_END']['VALUE'];
    if(strtotime($sale_end) < strtotime(date('d.m.Y h:i:s')) && !empty($sale_end)) {
      $sale_class = "sale-grey";
  $this->AddEditAction($arItem['ID'], $arItem['EDIT_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arItem["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_EDIT"));
  $this->AddDeleteAction($arItem['ID'], $arItem['DELETE_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arItem["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_DELETE"), array("CONFIRM" => GetMessage('CT_BNL_ELEMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM')));
  <div class="news" id="<?=$this->GetEditAreaId($arItem['ID']);?>">

    <span class="date"><?echo $arItem["DISPLAY_ACTIVE_FROM"]?></span>

    <a class="title" href="<?=$arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]?>"><?echo $arItem["NAME"]?></a>
    <div class="<?=$sale_class?>">
      <a href="<?=$arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]?>" ><img alt="<?echo $arItem["NAME"]?>" title="<?echo $arItem["NAME"]?>" src="<?=$arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["SRC"]?>"></a>
    <?echo $arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"];?>
    <a class="about" href="<?=$arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]?>">Подробнее</a>
    <?if ($sale_end){?>
      $date_end = explode(' ', $sale_end);  
    <div class="sale-end">
      Дата окончания акции:<br>


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1 answer(s)
Andrey Goncharov, 2017-04-18

Run two loops with different conditions

<?foreach($arResult["ITEMS"] as $arItem):?>
    <? if (empty($arItem['PROPERTIES']['SALE_END']['VALUE'])) :?>
        Выводим без акции
    <? endif;?>

<?foreach($arResult["ITEMS"] as $arItem):?>
    <? if (!empty($arItem['PROPERTIES']['SALE_END']['VALUE'])) :?>
        Выводим с акцией
    <? endif;?>

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