zaharoffff2016-04-25 11:49:55
zaharoffff, 2016-04-25 11:49:55

How to split datetime column into datetime? (ultimately need to run query "same day but later")?

How to split datetime column into datetime ? (ultimately it is necessary to execute the query "on the same day, but later") ?

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2 answer(s)
Igor, 2016-04-25

If in php

$arr = implode(' ', $date);
$arr[0] //дата
$arr[1] //время

zaharoffff, 2016-04-25

SELECT DATE_FORMAT (opers.op_dattime yyyy.mm.dd) is this what the query should look like ? opers - table , op_dattime - date in format yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss) ?

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