jecer_inside2021-08-02 09:24:58
jecer_inside, 2021-08-02 09:24:58

How to specify the width of the video to send via telegram bot?

I use:

import time
import random
import requests
import os

sending through a cycle (all day the bot sends files):
filesVideo = os.listdir("video/")
    countVideo = len(files)
    if countVideo == 0:
    fileUploadIndexVideo = random.randint(0, countVideo - 1)
    fileToUploadVideo = filesVideo[fileUploadIndexVideo]
    fdVideo = open("video/" + fileToUploadVideo, 'rb')

    urlVideo = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" + TOKEN + "/sendVideo";

    filesVideo = {'video': fdVideo}
    dataVideo = {'chat_id': CHAT_ID}
    r = requests.post(urlVideo, files=filesVideo, data=dataVideo)
    os.remove("video/" + fileToUploadVideo)

after sending the video by the bot to the channel, on the PC client, the video is of normal width (as in the original), and on the phone it is square (compressed in width), it looks as if the aspect ratio changes to 4:3

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Krostelev, 2021-08-02

It says like that you can specify the width and height of the video. width and height parameters

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