Anonymous Anonymous2020-11-06 16:53:10
Anonymous Anonymous, 2020-11-06 16:53:10

How to sort XML file by year using PHP?

It is necessary to display the data from the XML file and sort by year, in ascending order. The output of the data is done, but the sorting cannot be done. Tried through the DOM but nothing really comes out. Please help with sorting.
XML example:

    <title>Empire Burlesque</title>
    <artist>Bob Dylan</artist>
    <title>Hide your heart</title>
    <artist>Bonnie Tyler</artist>
    <company>CBS Records</company>

PHP code:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("cdcatalog1.xml");
echo "<h2>".$xml->attributes()->name." ".$xml->attributes()->Date."</h2><br />";
echo '<table border="1px" cellpadding="1" color="black">
            <th> Title </th>
            <th> Artist </th>
            <th> Country </th>
            <th> Company </th>
            <th> Price </th>
            <th> Year </th>

foreach ($xml->children() as $item)
        echo "<tr>
            <td> $item->title </td>
            <td> $item->artist </td>
            <td> $item->country </td>
            <td> $item->company </td>
            <td> $item->price </td>
            <td> $item->year </td>
echo '</tbody></table>';

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2 answer(s)
Anonymous Anonymous, 2020-11-08

$cd = array();
$xml = simplexml_load_file('cdcatalog1.xml');
foreach($xml->children() as $item)
    $cd[] = array(
        'title'             => (string)$item->title,
        'artist'          => (string)$item->artist,
        'country'           => (string)$item->country,
        'company'         => (string)$item->company,
        'price' => (string)$item->price,
        'year' => (string)$item->year

array_sort_by_column($cd, 'year');


function array_sort_by_column(&$array, $column, $direction = SORT_ASC) {
    $reference_array = array();

    foreach($array as $key => $row) {
        $reference_array[$key] = $row[$column];

    array_multisort($reference_array, $direction, $array);

Adik Izat, 2020-11-06

/* Берем контент файла */
        $xmlString = file_get_contents($xmlFilePath);
        // Преобразуем xml в массив
        $xml = json_decode(
            json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($xmlString)), true

+ Sorting example from another forum:
$data = array(
        "title" => "Another title",
        "date"  => "Fri, 17 Jun 2011 08:55:57 +0200"
        "title" => "My title",
        "date"  => "Mon, 16 Jun 2010 06:55:57 +0200"

function sortFunction( $a, $b ) {
    return strtotime($a["date"]) - strtotime($b["date"]);
usort($data, "sortFunction");

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