vladymyr_olegovich2016-03-18 00:44:38
vladymyr_olegovich, 2016-03-18 00:44:38

How to sort objects?

There is an "array" of objects.

var a = {
    q_1: {
        _next: "w_2",
        _prev: "u_7"
    w_2: {
        _next: "e_3",
        _prev: "q_1"
    e_3: {
        _next: "r_4",
        _prev: "w_2"
    r_4: {
        _next: "t_5",
        _prev: "e_3"
    t_5: {
        _next: "y_6",
        _prev: "r_4"
    y_6: {
        _next: "u_7",
        _prev: "t_5"
    u_7: {
        _next: "q_1",
        _prev: "y_6"

Each element has a key on the previous and next element. It is necessary to implement sorting in a random way, but so that you can return to the original version (similar to sorting audio recordings in VK). How would you recommend organizing the algorithm?

I don't want to keep 1 more array in memory with active element index. Plus, I have more properties in this object that are not related to the elements that need to be sorted. I believe that you need to change the values ​​of the properties "_next" and "_prev" in the elements themselves. The question is how best to do it?

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2 answer(s)
Kovalsky, 2016-03-18

And how are you going to restore the previous sorting by these keys? You then have to create directly in the elements properties like "array_of_previous_next", etc., you still have to store information about sorting somewhere. Therefore, it is more logical to separate sorting from the logic of the object, the maximum is to give the objects either a unique name or an ID, something like this:

var array_of_orders = [],
    current_order = 0,
    objects = [
        { name: 'q_1' },
        { name: 'w_2' },
        { name: 'e_3' },
        { name: 'r_4' },
        { name: 't_5' },
        { name: 'y_6' },
        { name: 'u_7' }

array_of_orders.push( objects.map(function(object) { return object.name; }) );

function sort(sort_function) {
    objects.sort(sort_function || function() { return Math.random() - 0.5; });
    array_of_orders.push( objects.map(function(object) { return object.name; }) );
    current_order = array_of_orders.length - 1;    

function applyOrder(index) {
    var order = array_of_orders[index], 
        result, name_to_find, i, k, l;

    if ( order ) {
        l = order.length;
        result = Array( l );

        for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            name_to_find = order[i];

            for (k = 0; k < l; k++) {
                if (objects[k].name === name_to_find) {
                    result[i] = objects[k];

        objects = result;
        current_order = index;

It's simple: of the properties important for sorting , an object has only the name property , the sort order (an array with the values ​​of the name properties of the corresponding object) is added to the array_of_orders array , the number of the current sort order is in the current_order variable . To sort an array, call the sort() function with arguments in the form of a sort function, well, or without a function, then the sort will be arbitrary. To return the previous sort, make a call to applyOrder( current_order - 1 ) .

Dmitry Belyaev, 2016-03-18

You do not have an array, but an object, and objects have random access to elements by their key.
Keys as such can be obtained in the form of an array or by the Object.keys function, which receives all enumerable keys of an object, including keys from the prototype chain (non-enumerable properties include those declared through Object.defineProperty, except for explicitly specifying enumerable: true, as well as symbols (Symbol) and methods ( { method() { ... } } ) from ES2015), or by the Object.getOwnPropertyNames function, which gets all the object's own keys, except for symbols (prototype is excluded, enumerable is not taken into account)
Random array shuffling is done elementarily: arr.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
As a result, you can get an array of your object's keys in random order:

var keys = Object.keys(a).sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);

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