Arman2020-01-17 16:08:47
Arman, 2020-01-17 16:08:47

How to sort by fields in the form of a tree in Laravel?

There are two models:
1) Category. I did something like here https://tjd-studio.com/blog/laravel-categories-wit... , there can only be two levels !
2) News. News stores category_id, and you can select a category of any level (1 or 2). There is a lot of news, it needs to be shown with pagination.

Категория 1
   Новость 53
   Новость 12
   - Подкатегория 1
       Новость 32
       Новость 23
   - Подкатегория 2
       Новость 21
       Новость 24
Категория 2
   Новость 1
   Новость 2
   - Подкатегория 3
       Новость 56
       Новость 57

There are more categories and subcategories, but we are now showing N news on the first page, which means only a few categories, there may already be other categories on the next page.
those. we have to take the first N news sorted by the category.name relation, while I think in the direction of joins, but it turns out that we need to join twice to select the parent of the category.
How easy is it to get here?

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2 answer(s)
Arman, 2020-01-18

So far I've done this:

$news = News::select('news.*')
    ->leftJoin('categories AS a', 'a.id', '=', 'news.category_id')
    ->leftJoin('categories AS b', 'b.id', '=', 'a.parent_id')
    ->orderByRaw('IF(b.id IS NULL, a.name, b.name)')
    ->orderByRaw('IF(b.id IS NULL, NULL, a.name)')

It seems to work.

Alex Wells, 2020-01-18

Write a request as you need for business and cache it. There will be no performance issues even without a cache.

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