pavelbibiksarv2017-02-06 10:23:48
pavelbibiksarv, 2017-02-06 10:23:48

How to solve the problem of transferring a Yii2 application from Openserver to hosting?

The essence of the problem. On openserver the application is displayed normally. When transferring to a hosting (debian), the layout of the authorization form floats (checkbox "Remember me"). 176f555e0057455d9ef22e68316f9ca1.JPG
Also, when you enter the application itself, a white area appears below 2938fb25706c4779be99d9821d646627.JPG
. The Admin LTE template was used. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? 2 days of searching in Google did not give positive results.

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1 answer(s)
alex stephen, 2017-02-06

In the browser Ctrl + Shift + J and refresh the page. There will be a list of CSS and JS that didn't load.
Most likely, somewhere they forgot to set CHMOD 0777, or they registered an absolute URL to the file

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