Dmitry Yakovlev2018-07-07 15:01:43
Dmitry Yakovlev, 2018-07-07 15:01:43

How to solve the problem of partial loading of images during parsing?

When parsing, it happens that the image is saved partially loaded, that is, half of the image is a gray background.
I solve the problem with sleep(1).
Is there any other way to make sure the image is fully loaded before downloading?
Thank you.
Data retrieval method:

public function parseProduct(array $page)
        $this->page = $page;

        foreach ($this->page as $item) {
            $phpQuery = phpQuery::newDocument($item->getBody()->getContents());
            $catalog = $phpQuery->find('.img_big_img');
            $re = '~<td>Артикул: <span.*?">(?<articul>.*?)</span>.*?<td>Наименование: <span.*?">(?<name>.*?)</span>.*?<td>Цена: <span.*?">(?<price>.*?)</span>~s';
            preg_match_all($re, $phpQuery, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
            $imageExtension = pathinfo(pq($catalog)->attr('src'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
            for($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++){
                $productDataArr[] = [
                    'imageSrc' => pq($catalog)->attr('src'),
                    'imageName' => $matches[$i]['name'],
                    'productPrice' => $matches[$i]['price'],
                    'productArticul' => 'БЧ' . $matches[$i]['articul'],
                    'imageExtension' => $imageExtension,
        return $productDataArr;

public function saveProduct($imageDir, array $imageInfo)

        if (!file_exists('cover/' . $imageDir)) {
            mkdir('cover/' . $imageDir, 0777, true);
        foreach ($imageInfo as $item) {
            copy($item['imageSrc'], 'cover/' . $imageDir . '/' . Helper::transliterate($item['productArticul']) . '.' . $item['imageExtension']);
           // sleep(rand(2, 4));
      //  $this->saveProductDataToExcel($imageInfo, $imageDir);


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1 answer(s)
vism, 2018-07-13

try file_get_contents

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