im_dimas2018-10-12 12:39:37
im_dimas, 2018-10-12 12:39:37

How to setup filter in yii2?

Hi friends. I came across a project written in yii2 by a programmer who did not leave a single comment in the code. Plus, I have never worked with yii2 projects before.
I'll get down to business. The task is this: you need to make (or rather complete) a filter by name, which are respectively registered in the Mysql database table. I found a filter script:

            ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'documents.contract_number', $this->contractNumber])
            ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'companies.request_number', $this->requestNumber])
            ->andFilterWhere(['program.type' => $this->service])
            ->andFilterWhere(['manager_id' => $this->manager_id])
            ->andFilterWhere(['work_status' => $this->work_status])
            ->andFilterWhere(['companies.came_from' => $this->cameFrom])
            ->andFilterWhere(['inn' => $this->inn])

and accordingly, by analogy, based on the structure of the database, added the following condition:
->andFilterWhere(['like','program.name' , $this->mainProgram])

everything would be fine if it were not for error number 42.
The structure of the database is exactly the same, I suspect that somewhere in the code there is roughly an array with aliases for the names of tables and database fields. It may seem funny to experienced yii's, but I need help, I've been fiddling with this for a very long time.
PS: if I use program.name - program.id together in the filter, it works, but accordingly it searches by ID, and not by name, tell me where to dig?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2018-10-12

Good afternoon.
You need to add a little search model.
Add a public property to this model. This property will then be displayed in the gridView and filtered by it.
Approximately like this:

public $program_name_id; // необходимо добавить в правила rules(), например указать, что это свойство integer

public function rules()
   return [
        ['program_name_id', 'integer']

// и добавить в фильтры
->andFilterWhere(['program.id' => $this->program_name_id])

Now it's not entirely clear here, most likely "program" is a relationship between models and tables in the database.
If so, then in the gridview you can display it like this:
'columns' => [
     'attribute' => 'program_name_id',
     'value' => 'program.name'

And add a filter
'columns' => [
     'attribute' => 'program_name_id',
     'filter' => Program::getAllProgram()
     'value' => 'program.name'

Program::getAllProgram() in the Program model might look like this
use yii\helper\ArrayHelper;
public static function getAllProgram()
   *  в запрос self::find()->all() можно добавить условие выборки, сортировки, группировки и т.д. и т.п.
     return ArrayHelper::map(self::find->all(), 'id', 'name');

ps What would be searched for by name, I think what needs to be changed in the search model and in the view like this:
public $program_name; // необходимо добавить в правила rules(), например указать, что это свойство string

public function rules()
   return [
        ['program_name', 'string']

// и добавить в фильтры
->andFilterWhere(['like','program.name' , $this->program_name])

If so, then in the gridview you can display it like this:
'columns' => [
     'attribute' => 'program_name',
     'value' => 'program.name'

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