Greg Popov2016-05-22 23:39:31
Greg Popov, 2016-05-22 23:39:31

How to set up Xdebug for Yii2?

Xdebug installed, everything is fine, but I don’t understand how to make it friends with yii2 (advanced).
Thanks in advance!

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Makarov, 2016-07-01

Setting up XDebug under Yii is no different from setting up XDebug under PHP. Not a single feature.

petr_yalta, 2018-03-26

As a variant of the "crutch" I decided as follows:
1. In Apche, I do not specify /project/frontend as the root, but /project
2. and create a file /preoject/index.php for the redirect (you can do the same through htaccess)

header('location: /frontend');

After that XDEBUG started working

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