Zhanibek Smagul2015-07-09 15:55:07
Zhanibek Smagul, 2015-07-09 15:55:07

How to set up virtual hosts in Apache on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at digitalocean.com?

I did everything as in this tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/a... Connected domains everything works. But a simple html page. But I would like to install django and write websites on it. This could not be done, it was necessary to configure the wsgi file. I spent 3 days doing nothing. The django site could not be launched. Tried this one too How to set up ubuntu+apache2+python bundle? Still nothing happened. Please help me I'm new to this. This is my first experience.

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Tartmin, 2015-07-09

Why Apache? Try nginx.

Stanislav Fateev, 2015-07-09

Apache looking at the internet is a path of pain, especially with janga. Forget about it and use nginx. I recommend this manual https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/h...
Here's more on Habré: habrahabr.ru/post/226419

sim3x, 2015-07-09

But I would like to install django

Apache is not needed

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