minaev0072017-07-06 13:54:51
minaev007, 2017-07-06 13:54:51

How to set up https on apache with Let's Encrypt (ubuntu 14.04 django)?

here is the manual
everything seems to be more or less clear. But. In other sources on the network, I saw that you need to change the configs, and they are different everywhere (either 000-default.conf, then default-ssl.conf, or some other ones). There is nothing like that in the above guide. Tell me how to be? Are there complete instructions or not? If not, please describe the process in simple terms, what else needs to be done, why and the sequence. I'm bad at administration. Links to more complete sources will also work. Thanks

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1 answer(s)
Viktor Taran, 2017-07-07

And this is how lucky anyone is, the server settings are different everywhere, because Linux is a constructor, and there is no single model for building configs and includes.
So you need to find the file responsible for the current domain, find the place in it responsible for https if it exists. By the way, it can be a separate file altogether.
Comment out local settings and paste yours. again if they are.

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