LilliT2018-12-10 23:58:36
LilliT, 2018-12-10 23:58:36

How to set up a slick slider so that it goes under the site header?

There is a div block with a slick written inside. It is necessary that this block with a slick goes under the header.
while it goes to the top of the header when scrolling.
tell me how and what to prescribe
the div itself goes under the header, but the slick (slider) does not obey the conditions of the div

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1 answer(s)
VegasChickiChicki, 2018-12-11

I suppose that you can try to give the block a fixed position, set the z-index for the block with the slider and the header (the header is naturally larger than the block with the slider). It should turn out that when scrolling, the position of the block is fixed, and because of the z-index, it should, as it were, "go under" the header.

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