Andrew2015-07-29 12:22:04
Andrew, 2015-07-29 12:22:04

How to set the number of articles per page, Drupal?

Please answer the following two simple questions.
1. There is a blog on Drupal, in which articles are displayed only on the main page.
How to set the number of articles per page?
2. Yesterday I added three articles, everything is fine, today I add similar articles - the announcement is not displayed, I increase the announcement to 800 - everything is fine again. Who has experienced this? What is the problem? 800 is a lot for me.
The questions may be very simple, but I will be grateful for the help!

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1 answer(s)
afi13, 2015-07-29

The number of articles on the standard Drupal home page can be viewed and changed on the admin/config/system/site-information page
. You can also replace the standard home page with the Views view (for example, this is already done in Drupal 8), in which you can specify the desired number of materials per page.

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