Victor P.2018-07-13 11:25:26
Victor P., 2018-07-13 11:25:26

How to set target framework on visual studio?

Good day.
In visual studio, .net core projects were created, but earlier it was possible to specify the target framework when creating:
A couple of weeks ago I reinstalled the studio, then it was also 17, but now with the latest updates. And when I create a .net core project, I cannot specify that it be created under the .net framework 4.6.1
In the created clean solution in the project properties, the .net framework 4.6.1 is also missing in the Target framework:
When you click Install other frameworks. .. throws at studio sdk link , I installed Developer pack for .net framework 4.6.1 but it doesn't appear in the dropdown. The computer restarted, still nothing appeared.
Do you need just such a configuration, since the solution already has projects with a target on 4.6.1 and, accordingly, the entity framework under 4.6.1 is downloaded? and for this new project we need another nuget

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2 answer(s)
ayazer, 2018-07-13

.net core cannot target .net framework. they are different things. there is a .no standard, and a .net library compatible with it can be built under .no core without any problems. If there was such an opportunity in the studio, then most likely it meant a multitarget on .netcore + netstandard resp. the required version .no framework. And later they sawed it out so as not to confuse people.
If you need to use the .no framework, then you need to create no .no core project, but just a desktop / web.
Well, in general, 4.6.1 is compatible with netstandard 2.0, therefore it is quite possible to use them together, all popular nugets have long had versions for all targets. But if there is no need / plans to run everything under Linux (not through mono), it is better to use one thing everywhere.

d-stream, 2018-07-13

.Net Core and .Net Framework are different

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