Denis Karakchiev2017-03-22 22:38:26
Denis Karakchiev, 2017-03-22 22:38:26

How to set pug to be rendered as jade in Atom?

Actually, I am trying to write these lines using this package

    pug: "source.jade"

And it works for some people. But not for me, apparently. What could be the problem? Is there a more obvious way to solve pug's immunity problem with Emmet other than waiting?
upd: the solution from the official site does not work either, apparently I'm doing something wrong, but I can't see what.
      "source.pug": [

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1 answer(s)
Evgeny Ivanov, 2019-03-06

https://github.com/emmetio/emmet-atom/issues/354 is described in detail here.
I also struggled for a couple of hours. Until I removed everything related to pug and jade. Left only those packages - which are described in the comments.
Well, I used this option in the
"file-types" settings:
"*.pug": "source.jade" It worked
after restarting the atom

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