Alexander2017-03-24 19:30:59
Alexander, 2017-03-24 19:30:59

How to set multiple cursors in Notepad++?

Good evening.
I can insert multiple cursors anywhere on the page via CTRL+LMB, and vertical selection via SHIFT+ALT+(UP/DOWN).
But I saw one interesting moment on the video and could not find how to repeat it. (True, this was done in sublime)
I cite the video option as an example.
There are n blocks, you need to add 1 more class to each of them. The operator selected col-md-3, pressed the secret key combination and voila, he had cursors at the end of all such classes. He just typed in the name of the required class and it appeared everywhere. What kind of tricky combination is this?
pS Of course, you can find and replace "col-md-3" with, say, "col-md-3 col-sm-6", but I would also like to learn how he did it.

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1 answer(s)
A person from Kazakhstan, 2017-03-24

I can say something about nothing, but the usual search and replace does everything
for a multi-select, you need to check the box:
everything else is zencoding
in other editors, it's called emmet

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