knowledge2020-06-30 23:22:14
knowledge, 2020-06-30 23:22:14

How to set environment variable during acceptance test in codeception?


actor: AcceptanceTester
        - WebDriver:
            url: ''
            browser: chrome
            port: 4444
            host: chrome
        - Db:
            dsn: 'mysql:host=mysql;dbname=db_test'
            user: 'root'
            password: '1234'

I specify the base db_test, but the tests go through the usual base, I searched in the documentation, I didn’t find it anywhere, --env=test does not give a result when starting the test, you can specify it in functional tests, but not here

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Fedorov, 2020-06-30

Your application in the test environment must connect to the test database. There is no magic if the application in its config sees the dev-base, and not the test one - it will (expectedly) connect to it, even if you really want the other way around and decided to look into some test database in the tests.
Total: Make the application look in the same database when running tests as the test framework
For Symfony, a couple of options:
- make a test domain that would be raised with a test Kernel
- raise the application with environment variables not through environment imitation in .env, but through the environment itself (roughly speaking, the environment variables (not in the file imitating them .env) the connection parameters must be correct
- use Symfony module with explicit env: test, but suitable for functional tests, not acceptance tests

andead, 2020-07-01

> I specify the base db_test
This is the base only for the operation of the Db module (import, cleaning, queries via getModule('Db')->_getDbh()->query()). These settings have nothing to do with how the site works.

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