fynjy_82015-08-17 01:38:30
fynjy_8, 2015-08-17 01:38:30

How to set coordinates for tiles in Leaflet.js?

Hello! I have a map on leaflet.js map size 5913x7863 and it's in local planar (XY) coordinate system respectively L.CRS.Simple
Before this I used L.imageOverlay:

var imageBounds = ;
var file0 = new L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds).addTo(map);

And everything was super
But I realized that this is a bad way (a single picture crashes on mobile phones and cards don’t do that) and you need to make tiles
Next, I cut into tiles
Tiles are stored in folders "1/1/0" "1/1/1 " etc.
I want to make XY coordinates - so that the map is in coordinates [1468.9700,-11.7050], [1968.2705,363.7705]
But I don't understand how to do it even in coordinates [0,0] [5913.7863].
The code is now like this:
map = L.map('map', {
          crs: L.CRS.Simple,
            maxZoom: 4,
            minZoom: 0
        }).setView([-60,100], 1);
L.tileLayer('./images/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
            continuousWorld: true,
            noWrap: false

At the same time, the picture is located in coordinates approximately [0,0], [-256,192] - I don’t understand why exactly these are.
Once again, the question is: how to make the borders exactly [1468.9700, -11.7050], [1968.2705,363.7705]?
Why is it so easy in L.imageOverlay and so difficult in L.tileLayer?
Please any ideas. I've been suffering for 2 months

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3 answer(s)
fynjy_8, 2015-08-30

Moskus thanks for the comments
Managed to realize what was conceived in openlayers

var mapBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-11.705000, 1468.971000, 363.770500, 1968.271500);
var mapMinZoom = 0;
var mapMaxZoom = 5;
var mapMaxResolution = 0.063500;
var gridBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-11.705000, 1468.971000, 363.770500, 1968.271500);

The question now is how to do this in a leaflet :) As I understand it, simple manipulations will not work, you need to use Proj.4 and Proj4Leaflet, is there a conditional local coordinate system at all?
L.CRS.Wall = L.extend({}, L.CRS.Simple, {
  transformation: new L.Transformation(0.4920000014213405, 5.758860016636791, -0.4920000014213405, 968.389580797584),


Moskus, 2015-08-25

The easiest way to assign any coordinates to a raster file is to create a so-called World file for it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_file
This is a text file in which you need to fill in only four lines with non-zeros
: X axis (the difference between the extreme right and extreme left coordinates of the raster, divided by the number of pixels along the X axis)
- zero
- zero
- resolution along the Y axis (the difference between the extreme lower and extreme upper coordinates of the raster, divided by the number of pixels along the Y axis, traditionally negative number, because the axis goes from bottom to top)
- X
coordinates of the center of the top left pixel - Y coordinates of the center of the top left pixel
Next, you need to attach one more file to your raster - a projection description file with the same name as the raster, but with the .prj extension - download it from here spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/popular-visualisatio...
Then you all that remains is to feed this www.gdal.org/gdal2tiles.html or www.maptiler.com correctly and get the tiles you are looking for, which you can then connect to Leaflet as if they have real coordinates.

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