Tshmt2019-11-22 23:40:03
Tshmt, 2019-11-22 23:40:03

How to select unique mongo conversations?

There is a collection of messages:
it contains many documents of the type:

body:"hello from me"

body:"hello from some user"

I am a logged in user and my id = 5d91facba4ed665ef5d6919c. I need to select messages that are related to me.
i make a match
  $or: [
    { target: ObjectId('5d91facba4ed665ef5d6919c') },
    { author: ObjectId('5d91facba4ed665ef5d6919c') }]

and I receive all the messages that I wrote to someone or someone wrote to me.
Question: How can I continue to build a pipeline in order to select unique interlocutors that do not repeat with the last message from me or from the interlocutor?
I am doing something like this:
uniqUsers = [ ...new Set(messages.map(el => el.author === '5d91facba4ed665ef5d6919c' ? el.target : el.author )) ]

received, let's say, unique id of those who corresponded with me.
I don't know how better...

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2 answer(s)
grinat, 2019-11-22

No need to collect unique ids in an array, read about aggregation. Further it is necessary simply $group on fields from whom/to whom. If you need the last correspondence, then make a collection a dialog, for example, and when adding messages, add the last message there to lastMessage and then you will only pull the collection. No matter how Monga is about normal forms, redundant and duplicate data is the norm. If you need schemas, normal shapes and scaling, then take a graph database, like neo4j

Tshmt, 2019-11-23

I thought of what you need, only 1 group

  _id: { $cond: [ {$eq:["$author",ObjectId('5d91facba4ed665ef5d6919c')]}, "$target", "$author" ] },
  lastMessage: { $last: "$body" },

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