Alexey2020-08-18 17:01:59
Load balancing
Alexey, 2020-08-18 17:01:59

How to scale the image storage service?

There is a microservice for storing image files. Let's say its url is s1.site.ru The structure
is simple:
- uploading files via API using a POST request s1.site.ru/upload
- deleting files via API using a POST request s1.site.ru/delete or GET- request s1.site.ru/delete/some_filename.jpg
- receiving files s1.site.ru/storage/some_filename.jpg

Now this service needs to be scaled horizontally + hang an ssl certificate on it.
Let's say I raise a few more such services, for example s2.site.ru, s3.site.ru, ... - and they need to be somehow combined.

The obvious solution that comes to mind is to raise the balancer with an address like https://files.site.ru, attach an ssl certificate to it, and proxy requests (already without ssl) for services.

The API request https://files.site.ru/upload is distributed among services using the weight of the service. It should return the absolute url of the downloaded file to the client, for example " https://files.site.ru/storage/some_filename.jpg ".
The request https://files.site.ru/storage/some_filename.jpg should be immediately proxied to the service on which this file is located. How to do it? Maybe some_filename.jpg should contain something else, some key, so that the balancer knows where to send the request? Or is there a smarter solution?
The same applies to https://files.site.ru/delete/some_filename.jpg

I would be very grateful if someone tells me which balancer and how to implement it, and draws an example of the config, at least schematically, otherwise I don’t clearly imagine it)


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5 answer(s)
Alexey, 2020-08-20

Thanks to everyone who gave helpful advice on the merits of the issue. Briefly again. There is a microservice for storing images that needs to be scaled.
The solution turned out to be the following. The microservice is raised on several servers:
The nginx balancer s.site.ru is also raised:

# Список серверов для балансировки запросов на запись (upload).
upstream storage_backend {
    server s1.site.ru:80;
    server s2.site.ru:80;
    server s3.site.ru:80;

# Определение локации сервера для запросов на запись и удаление файла. Опция default нужна
# только для того, чтобы в случае неопределённого запроса получить 404, а не 500.
map $uri $storage_location {
    "~/(storage|delete)/s1-"  "s1.site.ru:80";
    "~/(storage|delete)/s2-"  "s2.site.ru:80";
    "~/(storage|delete)/s3-"  "s3.site.ru:80";
    default                           "s1.site.ru:80";

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name s.site.ru;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://$storage_location;

    location /upload/ {
        proxy_pass http://storage_backend;


In the map block, the "s1...s2...s3" part of the pattern is a filename prefix that is generated and returned by the server that made the write request. Those. the server writing the file attaches a prefix to the name, by which it will then be possible to unambiguously determine the location in this block. This adds extra hassle when adding a new service to the pool: you need to manually assign this prefix to it so that it is unique. There is some kind of roughness in this, but I do not know at the moment a way to get around it.
As a result, when write requests are received, such as POST s.site.ru/upload, the balancer selects the next server from storage_backend, and when receiving requests by uri, it determines the location by $storage_location.
Well, ssl is screwed only to the balancer, as standard.
Made a small test pool locally, everything works. I will try on real hardware.

Philipp, 2020-08-19

So, we learn materiel:

  • anycast
  • wild-card certificate
  • REST

You don't need to have a million different domains and dozens of certificates.
The solution is a normal balancer.
Otherwise, it's best to do something like:
GET https://f.s.com/path/to/file.ext скачать
POST  https://f.s.com/path/to/file.ext закачать
PUT  https://f.s.com/path/to/file.ext заменить
DELETE  https://f.s.com/path/to/file.ext удалить

On s.com, you can hang a landing / application.
In general, read up on NIH and start using Ceph .

uvelichitel, 2020-08-19

Maybe some_filename.jpg should contain something else, some key
You can use some_filename as a key. Choose a hash function that will uniformly map the character string some_filename to service addresses.

Boris Korobkov, 2020-08-19

In a simple version:
Upload a file to files.site.ru, and according to some algorithm (randomly, the remainder of dividing the convolution by the number of servers, taking into account the weight / load / performance of the servers, or somehow) uploads the file to the selected server and returns a direct link to it. If the bandwidth of files.site.ru is limited, then it only asks about the server, and uploads directly to the specified one.
Reading occurs directly from the server where the file is uploaded. Without files.site.ru, so that it does not become a bottleneck

Evgeny Frolov, 2020-08-19

Typically, such subdomains (s1, s2, etc.) are created in order to balance the load on the file server, using intermediate caching servers for this.
Let's assume that we have several caching servers in different locations. Each of them constantly transmits statistics about its workload to the main server.
When returning statics to the user, the script on the main (backend) server accesses the cache (for example, Redis) and receives from it the server load statistics at the current time and, for example, their location. After that, based on IP, the server closest to the user is selected and then the least loaded server from the list (let's call it s3) is selected. Thus, the client receives a similar url in the response from the script:https://s3.example.org/cache/images/sample.jpg .
After that, a request is made to this server and the file is received from the cache or directly from the file server (if the file is not on the cache server).
Physically deleting files is HIGHLY not recommended (especially if this happens frequently), instead you should use the hide flag at the program level.
For reliability, it is desirable to use RAID-5 on the file server. In the case of a full highload, you can create several replication file servers and combine them into one cluster.
For more details, you can read here:
PS Correct me if I'm wrong

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