MaxSurm2019-04-08 21:58:28
MaxSurm, 2019-04-08 21:58:28

How to save json file in js?

Good afternoon! I want to decorate fencing competitions, but for now I’m in a stupor, advise.
What an idea: a fencing track, left and right are TVs with a browser.
Make an admin panel, in which from the list I will indicate the name of the athlete that should be displayed on TV on the right and which name should be on the left.
So far, I have done what I would take from JSON the necessary line, but so far I have not found a manual on how to make the Jason editor that would parse from the list of surnames and I could select a specific one and save the json file from which it will be read.
or maybe you have a better idea how to make this idea.

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