mixejuxix2019-07-09 12:10:19
mixejuxix, 2019-07-09 12:10:19

How to save a model with nested relationships?

I have a model with nested relationships

    ->hasOne(Header::class) ['title', 'slogan']
        ->hasMany(PortfolioItem::Class) ['title']

From the frontend I send data in json format
      "id":3 //Есть id - обновим
      "title":"Рога и копыта",
      "slogan":"Продаем и покупаем",
         {  //У этого объекта нет id - нужно вставить новый
            "title":"Тест 1",
            "id":204, //Такой объект уже существует - нужно его обновить
            "title":"Тест 2",

How to edit/create this?
Perhaps there are some tools for automatically inserting / updating a model with all relationships?
That is, I don’t want to manually save all these relationships, but find a library that itself, based on json + relationships, will save everything as it should.

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1 answer(s)
NubasLol, 2019-07-09

public function save(Request $request) {
        $model = Model::query()->updateOrCreate($request->all());
        $this->createRelation($request->all(), $model);

    public function createRelation($data, $model) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if (method_exists($model, $key)) {
                         $relation = $model->$key()->updateOrCreate($value);

                $this->createRelation($value, $relation);

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