Evstegney Chachlyk2019-06-02 20:03:11
Evstegney Chachlyk, 2019-06-02 20:03:11

How to run tasks asynchronously as they arrive?

Tasks arrive at an indefinite interval,
there are functions to solve them,
they all need to run asynchronously and do not interfere with the main loop

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir Kuts, 2019-06-02


Ivan Yakushenko, 2019-06-02

It seems to me that multithreading will suit you more.
Just run the desired function like this:

from threading import Thread

Thread(target=ваша_функция, args=аргументы_если_они_есть).start()

As a result, your function works independently of the others and you can run as many threads as you need.

Nikolay Kiselev, 2019-06-02

asyncio. It is very simple, unlike trading and similar ones, and it will do everything on its own, unlike celery. In order to understand it in 10 minutes, I advise you to create an aiohttp server

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