Berkutman2019-10-01 20:15:53
Berkutman, 2019-10-01 20:15:53

How to run scripts in parallel in powershell?

There is a script conf.ps1
It has variables that are then passed to other scripts and executed from conf.ps1
How to execute scripts from a script in parallel to each other in powershell ?
Now Script1.ps1 is executed first after Script2.ps1,
I need the scripts to run in parallel, or better yet, open a new Powershell window and from there watch the process of each of the scripts

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2 answer(s)
azarij, 2019-10-01

start job?

Alexander, 2019-10-18

$job = Start-Job -name myjob -ScriptBlock {
# тут что-нибудь делаем
} -ArgumentList $arg1,$arg2

if ($wpJob.State -eq "Completed") {
    Receive-Job $wpJob;

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