quiplunar2020-06-26 15:13:24
quiplunar, 2020-06-26 15:13:24

How to run npm scripts in webpack?

I make up pages for backing on pug, scss, ts. And in order not to manually launch and monitor the icons in icons, I need webpack to monitor the icons folder and run the script to create the sprite.

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3 answer(s)
Kir, 2014-10-06

Lots of square divs with inline-block
Width and height are calculated based on $(windows).height() / .width()
On hover, beware of a block nested in a div stretched inside it. Animation via transition

weebr, 2014-10-06

The site is in flash.

hjk, 2014-10-07

Such a grid can be quickly bunged up using the capabilities of flexbox → well written here

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